Hi all! I wanted to take a minute and express my sincere appreciation for everyone that placed an order for my new designs for Patti Tolley Parrish Stencils at www.iStencils.com. The launch was a complete success and exceeded my expectations thanks to all of you who continue to support me in my artistic adventure. Thank you doesn't seem sufficient. I am truly humbled. I would love to see what you all are doing with my stencils. I wanted to extend an invitation for you to send me some pics of your work using my stencil designs to feature on my blog and FaceBook art page, Inky Obsessions. If you are interested, please leave me a message on this post and I'll give you my email address for the pics.
My latest project -- last summer our friend Jeff had me paint two large canvases for his townhouse he's decorating. Now he's asking me for three smaller pieces with similar colors. This is the first of three:
So fun to use my own stencil designs in my work now. Above is the Infinity stencil.
And this one is the Circle Infinity. I used Viva Decor Modeling Paste in Pearl White thru my stencils to get this look.
This is the second of the three requested pieces, but between you and me, I don't think Jeff will ever see this one hanging on his wall. I really love how it turned out. Funny how sometimes one particular piece just speaks to you. This one is it:
This is a collage and painted canvas. I've used several of my painted papers that you may recognize from previous videos, as well as one of Ellen Vargo's new stamps from PaperArtsy. Not surprisingly they are just as fabulous as she is! If you don't follow her blog, you should really check it out. She recently did her first demo videos for her gig as a guest designer for PaperArtsy, she's a natural.
These are a couple Instagrams I posted of close-ups with filters. Love!
So looks like this weekend will consist of making two more pieces for Jeff! (Shhhh -- don't tell him!) Happy Arting! Patti
Hello everyone! This deal is so fabulous that I don't want anyone to miss out on it. Hopefully by now you've seen or at least heard that I now have my own line of Patti Tolley Parrish Stencilson iStencils.com. How cool is that??? For my launch, iStencils has extended such a generous offer to my subscribers and viewers that I didn't want anyone to miss out if you are a stencil lover like I am. Here's what you need to know: Thru Wednesday, 12 March, you'll receive a 20% discount when you use the discount code PTP20. This discount is good for your ENTIRE shopping cart -- not just my designs! iStencils has nearly 3,000 designs to choose from. If you love stencils, you will go crazy looking at all the eye candy on their site. In addition, if you purchase at least one of my designs, you'll receive a FREE 8x10 EXCLUSIVE design stencil. I designed this one for myself with my marks I usually make on all my work:
And the deal isn't over yet -- If your merchandise purchase totals $50 or over AFTER the discount is applied, you will qualify for FREE domestic shipping! Now how's that for an offer? I've never seen an offer this generous before and I can promise you I buy a lot of art supplies! I hope you are able to take advantage of this special offer and get yourself a few new stencil designs to play with. You'll be surprised just how much you can do with a stencil once you start playing with them. Here are some pics from the gelli prints I made on my Ustream last Saturday:
I plan to do some YouTube and Ustream videos demonstrating various ways I use my stencils, so sign up on both my channels now so that you don't miss anything. And to all of you who have already ordered my stencils, I can't thank you enough for your continued support. This is a dream come true for me and I'm really excited about this opportunity. I have lots more designs in the hopper which will be released closer to summer. So stay tuned! Happy Arting, Patti
FINALLY!!! My big secret can be revealed! I have my own line of stencil designs on iStencils.com! I am beside myself excited about this! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here's what I'd like you all to know about my stencils and the sale for the official launch: I'll be streaming LIVE at 11AM EST today, Saturday, March 8th and demo'ing my designs. If you can't make the stream, I'll be pushing the video to YouTube as soon as the stream ends, which should be around 2PM EST. If you'd like to join the Ustream, click here.
You know I love my Gelli Plate. I designed my stencils with my gelli plate in mind. I have two sizes -- 6 x 6 and 8 x 10. So here's what different -- the overall stencil measures larger than this, but the designs are made to properly fit on both the 6 x 6 and 8 x 10 plates. I have tons of stencils that I love, but most are either too large or too small. I have my own discount code for my viewers and subscribers. Enter the code PTP20 and receive 20% off your entire order, not just my designs, but any of the thousands of designs offered on iStencils.com. AND this discount code will be active for 5 days! So starting at 11AM on Saturday, March 8th through Wednesday, March 12th. If your total purchase AFTER discounts is $50 or more, you will also receive FREE domestic shipping in the US! iStencils also ships internationally, but the rates vary depending on your location. Receive a FREE 8 x 10 EXCLUSIVE PTP stencil design when you order any of my stencils. You may be familiar with my marks I like to make on almost all of my art. This is my exclusive design you will receive:
Can you tell I'm excited about this??? Just a little! And this is just the beginning. Lots more in the hopper, so please stay tuned! OMG!!! Happy Arting! Patti